Monday, June 27, 2005


By Lee Brock

Wiggletail worm lived down in the ground,
And burrowed his way all around town.
He came up in the garden of Flossie Mc Bride,
There stood a robin; Wiggie almost died.
He quickly plopped back into his hole in the ground,
And burrowed his way back across town.

Wiggletail worm thought he now had it made,
‘Til farmer Brown came outside with a spade.
He turned the ground over and Wiggie was there
On top of the ground gasping for air.
Quickly a new hole, Wiggletail made,
He wanted nothing to do with that spade.

Farmer Brown said, that looks like fish bait,
And to go fishing I just can’t wait.
So thrusting his spade in the ground once more,
He took poor Wiggie, and made him fish lore.
That’s how Wiggie became fish bait
For the rest of the story you’ll just have to wait.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Bethany Beach

Sometimes things come together to make a great memory and our week at Bethany Beach was one of those events. Our bodies will recall stored memories of splashing in surf, swimming in the pool, and sleeping in the bunk bed. Our eyes will remember radiant sunrises over the ocean, rainbows, and rowdy dolphins cruising two hundred yards off shore. The crashing surf, the conversions, and the cacophony of the boardwalk will be sounds recalled by our ears. Sand in our toes, sun on our backs, and surf surging around our feet are sensations our skin will long for. Sandwiches, sodas, and sumptuous suppers will remind us of the food that was prepared by loving hands.

The week will be remembered for the time we spent with those that we love. From the excitement of Brock’s fourth birthday, to the constant service of 82-year-old Vivian, to Robin’s great cooking, to Tim’s seashell finding prowess, to Evan’s joy on the beach, to Grandmother’s devotional, to Granddaddy’s artistic ability, we learned that everyone has something to contribute to the family.

We want to thank the one that made the memory, God. He made the ocean, the sky, the beach, and the family that we enjoyed so much. The way we want to express our thanks to Him is by loving others.