Friday, September 30, 2005


By Lee Brock

The sins of my youth
Come back to haunt me:
In the dark of the night
They taunt me:
Then I remind them:
It was Jesus who bought me:
When I was lost He sought me,
In love and mercy
He caught me,
By grace, a new man
He wrought me:
Through the dark valley
He brought me:
Love for my neighbor
He taught me:
The sins of my youth
No longer can taunt me.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Pick Up A Rock

Our Sunday School Lesson was about Joshua and the children of Israel crossing the Jordan. Joshua had the people select 12 men to pick up a stone from the middle of the riverbed to be used in a monument to the crossing. We need to be building monuments when God works in our lives so others can know of his power.

Pick Up A Rock

Pick up a rock
You are elected
Pick up a rock
Do what is expected.
Pick up a rock
He is counting on you
Pick up a rock
See the job through

Pick up a rock
When the flood is defeated
Pick up a rock
When death has been cheated
Pick up a rock
Coming out of the dark
Pick up a rock
When you see the arc

Pick up a rock
To mark the place
Pick up a rock
To show God’s grace
Pick up a rock
For a monument to show
Pick up a rock
So everyone will know

Pick up a rock
Because God was there
Pick up a rock
Because of His loving care
Pick up a rock
Because your needs were met
Pick up a rock
Because God ain’t through yet


Monday, September 05, 2005

Messages from Dela

thank you so much. I will make sure some need children get what they need. Dela
Le Doux, 5317 Bayridge Dr. Baton Rouge, LA, 70817
again thank you.

--- DC Brock wrote:
> Hi Dela,My Dad mentioned today on the phone that you are gathering school
> supplies and other necessities for children who have been impacted by
> Katrina. Lori and I would like to contribute to the cause. If you could
> send us your mailing address, we'll send what little we can to help
> out.Thanks,Dan

Everything seems to be going well. Deraux and I as well as a few other extended
family went to Covington, LA to see the damage that had been done to Deraux's
dad's house as well as Deraux's step mom's parent's house. (They live across
the street from each other.) The damade at one house consisted of a tiny corner
of the roof damaged, of trees down and one bedroom window
broken. The other house had a huge pine tree through the covered patio. Derax's
Mom lives in Mandeville,LA. They said that their house was thankfully left high
and dry! At our house, we had to pick up some branches about 3 or 4 inches in
diameter, but nothing more than that. God kept us safe!
If you have anyone else's e-mail that I dont have, please let them know that
we're OK.
I'll talk to you later.
Dela Le Doux

Friday, September 02, 2005

Buddy At the Hotter-n-Hell Hundred

I am the second from the left. I rode the 102 miles in 5 hours and 20 minutes of bike time and 6 hours total counting the rest stops.